Black Kite/Yellow-billed Kite (Milvus m. migrans/parasitus/aegyptius)

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Date Year Nr Remarks Location Country Source Entered by
10 Feb 2015 1 UnknownFlying <10mFields (fallow)Asphalt Chad Tim Wacher, SCF,ZSL Joost Brouwer (Brouwer EAC) info
10 Feb 2015 2 UnknownPerched on vegetation <2m: Perched... Chad Tim Wacher, SCF,ZSL Joost Brouwer (Brouwer EAC) info
10 Feb 2015 1 UnknownFlying <10mVillageAsphalt Chad Tim Wacher, SCF,ZSL Joost Brouwer (Brouwer EAC) info
10 Feb 2015 2 UnknownFlying <10mGrasslandAsphalt Chad Tim Wacher, SCF,ZSL Joost Brouwer (Brouwer EAC) info
10 Oct 2014 [Hidden] Niger Tim and Barbie Kusserow info
27 Sep 2014 2 La plupart ou tous nous... Chad SCF & ZSL, Pan-Sahara Wildlife Survey Tim Wacher info group
27 Sep 2014 1 La plupart ou tous nous... Chad SCF & ZSL, Pan-Sahara Wildlife Survey Tim Wacher info group
27 Sep 2014 1 La plupart ou tous nous... Chad SCF & ZSL, Pan-Sahara Wildlife Survey Tim Wacher info group
27 Sep 2014 1 La plupart ou tous nous... Chad SCF & ZSL, Pan-Sahara Wildlife Survey Tim Wacher info group
27 Sep 2014 2 La plupart ou tous nous... Chad SCF & ZSL, Pan-Sahara Wildlife Survey Tim Wacher info group
1,641 items found, displaying 441 to 450.[First/Prev] 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 [Next/Last]