Yellow-crowned Bishop (Euplectes afer)

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Date Year Nr Remarks Location Country Source Entered by
21 Feb 2015 Streaky pale grey tones at... NDjamena, Hotel Mercure... Chad Tim Wacher, ZSL Joost Brouwer (Brouwer EAC) info
29 Jul 1990 120 sev groups of 40 Relais Kanazi, fleuve Niger Joost Brouwer (Brouwer EAC) info
09 Oct 1991 prob breeding block Gotheye CE... Niger Joost Brouwer (Brouwer EAC) info
05 Oct 2014 Perché sur l'herbe longue à... [Hidden] Niger Tim and Barbie Kusserow info
14 Oct 1990 nids suspendus de fil barbelé... Relais Kanazi, fleuve Niger Joost Brouwer (Brouwer EAC) info egg
21 Sep 2011 m�le en plumage nuptial Talibia-Gueme fleuve Niger Projet ASS - formation ornitho Joost Brouwer (Brouwer EAC) info
30 Jan 2017 flocks M�krou flocks drinking Parc international du... Niger R.J. Dowsett and F. Dowsett-Lemaire Joost Brouwer (Brouwer EAC) info
04 Jan 1994 most likely Namarigoungou, périmètre irrigué Niger Joost Brouwer (Brouwer EAC) info
03 Oct 2020 13 matinale 7h00 - 11h00 Niamey, Goudel Digue... Niger Benoit FORGET info
18 Jan 2020 1 matinale 7h00 - 10h45 Niamey, Goudel Digue... Niger Benoit FORGET info
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