Black Scimitarbill (Rhinopomastus aterrimus)

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Date Year Nr Remarks Location Country Source Entered by
13 Feb 2019 precise coordinates10.878563 N 19.848214 E... pentad PN de... Chad Fraser Gear info
07 Apr 2018 10 PN de Zakouma,... Chad Bruno Portier info receipt_long
06 Apr 2018 50 estimate PN de Zakouma,... Chad Bruno Portier info receipt_long
03 Mar 2018 precise coordinates 10.775234 N 19.797568... PN de Zakouma,... Chad Fraser Gear info receipt_long
21 Feb 2018 2 Sindou, Pics de... Burkina Faso Paul van Giersbergen info
19 Feb 2018 5 Burkina Faso Paul van Giersbergen info
05 Apr 2015 1 Seen in a tree in... PN de Zakouma,... Chad Robert Barnes info
25 Apr 2014 PN de Zakouma,... Chad Robert Barnes info
24 Apr 2014 PN de Zakouma,... Chad Robert Barnes info
04 Feb 2012 : time 1600-2000: via piste... Parc international du... Niger Tim Wacher info
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