
Species: Greater Painted-snipe (Rostratula benghalensis) info
Number: 2
Breeding: yes
Remarks: Male couvant, femelle a cote, Male returned quickly after disturbance 3 times to the same point on 'island' created by small patch of emergent vegetation in shallow flooded pool. At return point settled each time to apparent incubating posture, though body mainly hidden from view. Female feeding, preening and resting in shallow water under A. nilotica shrub 5m away.
Date: 2018-07-17
Source: Tim Wacher
Location: RFOROA Ouadi Kharma Lidey (Chad)
Entered by: Tim Wacher


Rhynchée peinte / Greater Painted-snipe visibility 104
Rhynchée peinte / Greater Painted-snipe visibility 103
Rhynchée peinte / Greater Painted-snipe visibility 102