Green Sandpiper (Tringa ochropus) / 2010-10-06 / block Termit SO (Eche Oualala) (Niger)

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Chevalier culblanc / Green Sandpiper visibility 82 © John Newby

Pattes gris-vert (Chevalier sylvain: jaunâtre), dessus assez sombre à taches blanches bien séparées (sylvain: moins sombre, taches plus denses), cercle oculair blanc (sylvain: sourcil pâle). Le cul blanc et les dessous des ailles très somre ne sont pas visible.
Greenish leggs (generally more yellowish in Wood Sandpiper), quite dark back with white spots (still breeding plumage; not as contrasting in Wood), clear white eye ring and no supercilium (Wood eye ring less clear and clear supercilium). Clear white rump and very dark underwing not visible in these pictures.

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