Fulvous Babbler (Argya fulva) / 2011-12-08 / Metaram (Niger)

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Cratérope fauve / Fulvous Babbler visibility 126 © Linda Sharp

Groupe de famille d'au moins 14. Un juvénile à gauche (bouche à coin pâle)[dans le même endroit trois semaines plus tard JB]
Family party of at least 14. A juvenile at left, with pale gape (corner of mouth).

Equipment: Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT

Tim and Barbie Kusserow    2012-01-15
These birds flew back and forth across the road, up into low bushes and back to the ground again. We watched them for perhaps 10 minutes. They were very active, but did not leave the area. Three weeks later as we drove through again we found them at the same spot.
Ulf Liedén (WABDaB.org)    2012-01-17
It must have been an enjoyable observation. It certainly is an interesting species!
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